CrimProfBlog: Chien et al. on Expungement (Apr. 26, 2023)

On April 26, 2023, the CrimProfBlog, edited by Professor Kevin Cole of the University of San Diego School of Law highlights Paper Prisons and Second Chance research on Minnesota’s Second Chance Expungement Gap, Texas’ Second Chance Non-Disclosure/Sealing Gap, Illinois’ Second Chance Expungement/Sealing Gap, and Missouri’s Second Chance Expungement Gap.

2023 Paper Prisons’ State Reports Roundup (April 20, 2023)

The 2023 Legislative session is in full swing and Paper Prisons has produced research that has been cited in several ongoing campaigns. Below we highlight key findings from our reports on the “second chance gap” in expungement remedies offered under the laws of Missouri, Oregon, Illinois, Texas, Minnesota, and New York: A summary of the

Podcast: Public Defenseless Podcast (Apr. 18, 2023)

On April 18, 2023, the Public Defenseless Podcast hosted Professor Colleen Chien and law student Alyssa Aguilar from Santa Clara University to discuss the Paper Prisons Initiative. The podcast starts by discussing the speakers’ motivations (5:30). Professor Chien discussed founding the Initiative after her research was validated by the experience of seeing numerous mentees and

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